• Are you thinking of starting a relationship and would like some help choosing the right partner?
  • Are you in an unhealthy relationship and your partner is not willing to work with you to address the problems?
  • Are you considering breaking up with your partner but don’t know if you should?

Our relationship coaching for singles is for people who want to learn about themselves and what type of partner is the most suitable for them according to their preferences and life goals.

Be committed to the relationship you have with yourself. We get so committed to other relationships and often toss ourselves away. We get around to ourselves only now and then. So, really care for who you are. Be committed to loving yourself. Take care of your heart and soul.
Louise Hay

What Is Relationship Coaching for Singles?

Relationship coaching for singles is a proactive approach for people, who are searching for the right partner by becoming the perfect partner themselves. It is a goal-oriented process that gives you tools and strategies to understand yourself and recognise what holds you back from having the partner you want.

Through coaching, you will become capable of implementing new ways of thinking and behaving. In turn, you will be more mindful of yourself and the world around you. So that, you attract and keep the perfect partner for you.

Who Can Benefit from Relationship Coaching for Singles?

Relationship coaching for singles is designed for people who are not in a relationship and are looking for the right partner. People who may have been in unfulfilling relationships or who have been with people who were not compatible.

Relationship coaching for singles can also help you identify repeating patterns of behaviour that cause issues in your relationships.

Why Do You Need Relationship Coaching for Singles?

Relationship coaching for singles can help when you are looking for a partner based on your values, beliefs and preferences. It can help you look within yourself to understand what is important for you, before getting involved with someone else.

When you start relationship coaching for singles you are embarking on a learning process to change positively. With the help of a coach, you can set clear and specific goals and achieve them in a specific amount of time. Coaching brings you the opportunity to reflect on yourself and your life while having a plan of action to achieve what you want.

Coaching for singles cannot only change your life but transform it, depending on how deep you want to go, you can change your world perception and manifest your dreams.

Through relationship coaching for singles, you will:

  • Identify your limiting ideas, thoughts and beliefs
  • Understanding what are your core values and which ones you would want in a partner
  • Learn to overcome repeating patterns of behaviour that hold you back
  • Identify what hasn’t worked in previous relationships
  • Define what type of relationship you would want to have
  • Make a plan to achieve your goals
  • Have a clear path and a time frame to get you there
  • Have the motivation to get you where you want to be

How Can Relationship Coaching for Singles Help?

Coaching helps you make practical changes in your life by giving you tools that bring awareness to your behaviours, patterns, and communication. So that you get what you need to change your life on the way, you will learn to understand how your behaviour affects you and others around you and how you can do things differently.

Relationship coaching for singles can help single people understand themselves and the type of relationship they’d like to have. It can also help those in a relationship to get a fresh perspective on their relationship and reflect on their life goals. 

When considering having a relationship, the first step is to explore yourselves and learn as much as you can about your feelings, needs, goals and various patterns of behaviour (e. g. Why do you want to do that?).

This self-exploration includes your history, previous relationships, as well as your emotional state and current circumstances.

Your second step is to reflect on why you want a relationship. Who would be your perfect partner? And, How will a partner fulfil your needs and contribute to your well-being?

Coaching will facilitate the development of your goals and set the actions you need to take to achieve such goals. You will gain a deep self-awareness of your actions and their consequences. You will recognise the reason for your failed relationships and your contribution to them.

Your coach will work with you to promote the learning of skills that will enhance your self-development and eventually direct and regulate the whole process. You will be empowered to be in charge and responsible for your life and decisions.

You will learn to:

  • Find clarity between short and long-term goals
  • Discover your strengths and talents
  • Define the relationship you want
  • Understand what you want and need from a partner
  • Set goals
  • Make a plan
  • Manage your time better
  • Stay motivated even through challenging situations
  • Achieve your specific goals in a specific amount of time
  • Prioritise your learning and professional development

Relationship coaching for singles will help you to:

  • Gain more self-awareness
  • Accept yourself
  • Care for yourself
  • Gain more self-confidence
  • Let go of fears and self-doubt
  • Express your feelings, needs, opinions, thoughts and ideas
  • Look at the bigger perspective
  • Know the consequences of your actions
  • Accept feedback without being reactive
  • Identify your limiting thoughts and beliefs
  • Become an active listener

During this process, you will have the chance to message by email if you have any doubts or going through a crisis.

What Can You Expect from Relationship Coaching for Singles?

Relationship coaching for singles is based on assessing your past, recognising your present and focusing on the future. It is a 3 step approach.

  1. Understanding the past. Getting to know what are your ideas, thoughts and beliefs. How they are forming your present?
  2. Understanding your present (How do you feel about your situation, and how would you like it to be different? What are you struggling to do to improve or change it?
  3. Understanding the future. What do you want going forward? Where do you see yourself? How do you see yourself?

Step 1 During this initial assessment, we may discover other underlying issues that resulted in the current problems you are experiencing now.

Step 2 At this point, you will have a deep understanding of the reasons for your struggles and why you are not having the relationship you desire.
At this point, we would have discovered uncomfortable areas about yourself and your life that you would need to address to continue with your change. Here you will have a couple of options:

  • Decide to make some small and easy changes, which won’t require too much involvement, but that would help you achieve a certain goal.
  • Go deep and uncover the issues that are holding you back. Address these issues and start a transformation of your behaviour. The way you live your life and ultimately acquire the skills to make sustainable changes in many areas of your life will allow you to have the relationship you long for and your perfect partner. When we say perfect, we don’t mean without any flows, but the right match for you, according to your wants, needs, preferences, values and beliefs.

During our coaching sessions, we will explore the areas in your love life in which you are struggling the most. And see how they may be holding you back from achieving a specific goal or go deep and see how to change the behaviour and change your whole life.

Step 3 Depending on your scenario in step 2, you will reflect on your experience, learn from it and make changes that will contribute to a healthy relationship with yourself. Apply, learn and change.

How Long Will It Take to Achieve Your Goals?

Stage 1
4 sessions of 1.5 hours each

  • Identifying doubts, insecurities problems, and concerns related to your love experiences
  • Getting to know who you are, what you want from life and a relationship
  • Knowing your core values and beliefs
  • Understanding what love means to you
  • Knowing how you love and how you like to be loved

Stage 2
6 sessions of 1.5 hours each

  • Practising self-love and self-compassion
  • Defining who your ideal partner is
  • Knowing what traits are important for you, in a partner
  • Setting your relationship goals and see how they fit into your life
  • Make a plan where you would focus on getting the life and relationship you want
  • Creating realistic expectations

Stage 3
8 to 14 sessions of 1.5 h each

  • Learning to give and receive love
  • Understanding what type of love you need
  • Learning your boundaries in relationships
  • Identifying the deal breakers in a partner and a relationship for you
  • Knowing what you can deal with in a relationship and what is out of the question
  • Resolving conflicts in a loving way
  • Learning to communicate lovingly and effectively
  • Making your needs and desires a priority and communicating them to others
  • Start looking for a partner

Stage 4.
This stage will depend on your findings. Some individuals may discover that they have deeper inner issues and need more time to be resolved and addressed. Others may find that they need more time to define their values, beliefs and expectations.

How Much Does Coaching for Singles Cost?

Visit our coaching page to check out the prices

How Do I Get Started?

An introductory session will cover and answer those questions


Tell us about your situation and what you would like to achieve.
We will carefully review your message and get back to you with some options.


This session will help us to get to know each other and understand your feelings, needs and circumstances.

You will get some pointers and suggestions on what you can do right away to address the issues in your life and relationship.

We will discuss your short-term and long-term goals and make a plan going forward.


A standard 1-hour session works well to catch up on your progress and make sure you are on track..

You will get a chance to share the changes you are making in your life and your relationship.

We will make some adjustments to make sure you are making the most of your time.


This session tends to be 1.5-2 hours. We allow this 30-minute flexibility to let the conversation unfold.

It is perfect for going deeper and exploring your feelings and circumstances in more detail.

We will bring your awareness to your deeper beliefs and your behavioural patterns.

Book Your Coaching Session Today!

Coaching - One-off Session




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